
From Greg.

What were you doing ten years ago?
I was a senior in high school taking classes like basketball/volleyball/softball, pre-engineering, and business law. It was cake.

What were you doing one year ago?
Waiting for the March 10th debut of the Star Wars: ROTS trailer.

Five snacks you enjoy:
Peanut M&M’s

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
“Magic Toenail” – Brak
“To Live Is To Die” – Metallica
“The Hero Released From Fright” – Totimoshi
“Joseph Merrick” – Mastodon
“The Imperial March” – John Williams

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Buy a house with a sweet home theater setup
Eat steak everyday
Buy cool shit
Trick out my Accord, yo

Five things you like doing:
Watching crappy horror movies
Playing softball with TBG.
Rum & Coke
Messing around on the ‘puter.

Five things you would never wear again:
This one’s hard. I’ve pretty much always been a jeans and t-shirt guy.

Five favorite toys:
my new iPod
Digital Camera (Canon sd200)
DVD player

You’re it!
I’m not going to pass this along to anyone b/c nobody ever does them. Asses. But, if you read this and want to participate, please do. You can say you heard it here, or not.